Monday, August 30, 2010

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Hardcover Boxed Set (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Hardcover Boxed Set (Percy Jackson & the Olympians) Review

Move over Harry Potter - there's a new boy-hero in town!

Despite drawing several comparisons with the Harry Potter season - which is logical when you think that the initial premise is the same (boy discovers he's special, goes away from home to learn more about these skills, makes a couple of good friends, gets into adventures and ends up fighting against a seemingly undefeatable foe). The difference between this series and the Harry Potter series is that Riordan updates Greek mythology to both educate and entertain.

The story focuses on Percy, a boy who discovers that he's a demi-God - and what a demi-God, a child of one of the "big three"... He also discovers that someone is trying to start a war between Gods and, when that fails, destroy them by any means necessary.

With five individual stories, linked together by an over-arching theme, these books are entertaining and feature a variety of mythological characters that have been updated and made to fit into modern society.

Definitely worth a read for fans of any book series - Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, etc...

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Hardcover Boxed Set (Percy Jackson & the Olympians) Overview

The complete Percy Jackson & the Olympians series in hardcover. A perfect gift for Percy fans, as well as readers just discovering this epic and blockbuster adventure.

Available at Amazon $89.99 Check It Now!!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 30, 2010 13:55:16

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Shadow Rising (The Wheel of Time, Book 4)

The Shadow Rising (The Wheel of Time, Book 4) Review

This book is great. How anyone can complain about a book that takes you to a whole other interesting world for 8 bucks is beyond me. Those who need action and plot movement in every single page may be a bit disappointed, but who has that short of an attention span? Oh wait, I just remembered what Age we are living in.

Anyhow this book is great, I think each book in the series keeps getting better. They say it lulls a little around book 9 - 11 and I will have to see. I love the world Robert Jordan creates so I am happy to get as much of the world as I can even if some of the books slow down a bit.

ONE NEGATIVE IS THAT at the time of writing this review I am UNABLE to purchase this book on my kindle. They SAY amazon is going to get them back on but we will have to see I guess. I just bought the kindle this week with the main idea that I could read this series on it, so I will be incredibly disappointed if I can not do that.

The Shadow Rising (The Wheel of Time, Book 4) Overview

The seals of Shayol Ghul are weak now, and the Dark One reaches out. The Shadow is rising to cover humankind.

In Tar Valon, Min sees portents of hideous doom. Will the White Tower itself be broken?

In the Two Rivers, the Whitecloaks ride in pursuit of a man with golden eyes, and in pursuit of the Dragon Reborn.

In Cantorin, among the Sea Folk, High Lady Suroth plans the return of the Seanchan armies to the mainland.

In the Stone of Tear, the Lord Dragon considers his next move. It will be something no one expects, not the Black Ajah, not Tairen nobles, not Aes Sedai, not Egwene or Elayne or Nynaeve.

Against the Shadow rising stands the Dragon Reborn.....

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 29, 2010 14:45:14

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Big Blue Book of Beginner Books (Beginner Books(R))

Big Blue Book of Beginner Books (Beginner Books(R)) Review

My daughter is 5 years old and in kindergarten. She loves this book. The words are simple and easy to read and the repetition and rhyme help keep her attention. Having the stories in a collection makes her feel like she's reading a big kid's book, like her 8 year old brother. Together as a family, we have enjoyed reading this book numerous times.

The stories include the following:
* "It's Not Easy Being a Bunny
* "Go, Dog, Go!"
* "Are You My Mother?"
* "The Best Nest"
* "Put Me in the Zoo"
* "A Fly Went By"

I'd recommend this as a beginning reader book for kindergarten and first grade. Older kids may think they are beyond Dr. Seuss, but my son still enjoyed them last year in second grade and even now, when we read together.

Younger children will appreciate the rhythm and rhymes, the colorful pictures and the silliness.

I do not mind reading and re-reading the stories over and over and over. There is a hypnotic appeal to them that works on adults, too.

Big Blue Book of Beginner Books (Beginner Books(R)) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780375855528
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Big Blue Book of Beginner Books (Beginner Books(R)) Overview

For over 54 years; Dr. Seuss has paid untold millions of house calls to welcoming children and their grateful parents. Now your favorite stories are available in this specially priced collector's edition. This collection of Beginner Books contains: Are You My Mother? by P. D. Eastman; The Best Nest by P. D. Eastman; A Fly Went By by Mike McClintock; illus. by Fritz Siebel; Go; Dog; Go! by P. D. Eastman; It's Not Easy Being a Bunny by Marilyn Sadler; illus. by Roger Bollen and Put Me in the Zoo by Robert Lopshire.

Available at Amazon $15.99 Check It Now!!

Special Price For Now $8.85 Check It Now!!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 28, 2010 19:55:15

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Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Book 1)

Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Book 1) Review

with some of the reviews that says there is way too many sex scenes and that the first 50 to 100 pages were kind of hard to get into. If you can get past this then you will thoroughly enjoy this novel regarding the Black Dagger Brotherhood. I think I fell in love with all the brothers even Zhadist (whom I am sure has his reasons for looking and acting the way that he does). Wrath was to die for and Beth was his perfect match. This was the perfect book in that it sets up the background on what is surely going to be a great series.

After reading some of the reviews, I can't understand those who say they feel sorry for the lessers, if anything, I couldn't stand them and can't wait to see the brotherhood demolish them. Also I am not really sure what the background story is on the Virgin Scribe but I couldn't really like her, it almost seem like she should be the lesser's leader. Hopefully as the series continue I may be proven wrong but right now I am rooting for the BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD all the way.

This book has everything love, hate, revenge, humor sarcasm so there is something for everyone. Do yourself a favor and pick up this book.

Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Book 1) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780451216953
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Book 1) Overview

In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly turf war going on between vampires and their slayers. There exists a secret band of brothers like no other-six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Yet none of them relishes killing more than Wrath, the leader of The Black Dagger Brotherhood.

The only purebred vampire left on earth, Wrath has a score to settle with the slayers who murdered his parents centuries ago. But, when one of his most trusted fighters is killed-leaving his half-breed daughter unaware of his existence or her fate-Wrath must usher her into the world of the undead-a world of sensuality beyond her wildest dreams.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 28, 2010 01:20:19

Loan Consolidation Student Loans

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The R Book

The R Book Review

I bought this book to use in a course by USGS. It is very good in that it provides samples from its website and a pretty complete text. It provides a good book to either read before or after presentations. A lot of the packages in r provide an easy way for getting answers rather the many functions Crawley writes. This provides a good learning process.
This methodology of showing functions to accomplish what can be done from a package is my only quarrel with the book when used as reference. Normally he writes function and in some but not all cases later gives the package function. It would have been nice to have the package defined earlier so that one doesn't have to flog through the section.
Overall it is an excellent book, good for the relative novice as well as the expert.

The R Book Overview

The high-level language of R is recognized as one of the most powerful and flexible statistical software environments, and is rapidly becoming the standard setting for quantitative analysis, statistics and graphics. R provides free access to unrivalled coverage and cutting-edge applications, enabling the user to apply numerous statistical methods ranging from simple regression to time series or multivariate analysis.

Building on the success of the author’s bestselling Statistics: An Introduction using R, The R Book is packed with worked examples, providing an all inclusive guide to R, ideal for novice and more accomplished users alike. The book assumes no background in statistics or computing and introduces the advantages of the R environment, detailing its applications in a wide range of disciplines.

  • Provides the first comprehensive reference manual for the R language, including practical guidance and full coverage of the graphics facilities.
  • Introduces all the statistical models covered by R, beginning with simple classical tests such as chi-square and t-test.
  • Proceeds to examine more advance methods, from regression and analysis of variance, through to generalized linear models, generalized mixed models, time series, spatial statistics, multivariate statistics and much more.

The R Book is aimed at undergraduates, postgraduates and professionals in science, engineering and medicine. It is also ideal for students and professionals in statistics, economics, geography and the social sciences.

Excerpts from Chapter 4 of The R Book

Chapter 4: Level Set Trees and Code
Learn how to make a volume plot and a barycenter plot, and calculate level set trees with the algorithm LeafsFirst, which is implemented in function ``leafsfirst''. This function takes as an argument a piecewise constant function object.

The multimodal 2D example

(Click on image to enlarge)

We consider the density shown in the 2D three-modal density, and calculate first a piecewise constant function object representing this function, and then calculate the level set tree.

N<-c(35,35)                      # size of the grid  pcf<,type="mulmod") # piecewise constant function  lst.big<-leafsfirst(pcf)         # level set tree  
We may make the volume plot with the command ''plotvolu(lst)''. However, it is faster first to prune the level set tree, and then plot the reduced level set tree. Function ''treedisc'' takes as the first argument a level set tree, as the second argument the original piecewise constant function, and the 3rd argument ''ngrid'' gives the number of levels in the pruned level set tree. We try the number of levels ngrid=100.

Now we may make a volume plot with the function ''plotvolu''.


We draw barycenter plots with the function ''plotbary''.

  plotbary(lst,coordi=2)  # 2nd coordinate  

Note: We may find the number and the location of the modes with the ''modecent'' function, which takes as argument a level set tree. Function ''locofmax'' takes as argument a piecewise constant function and calculates the location of the maximum.

modecent(lst)  locofmax(pcf)  

The 3D tetrahedron example

(Click on image to enlarge)

We consider the 3-dimensional example. The calculation is much more time consuming this time.

N<-c(32,32,32)                    # the size of the grid  pcf<,type="tetra3d") # piecewise constant function  lst.big<-leafsfirst(pcf)             # level set tree  lst<-treedisc(lst.big,pcf,ngrid=200) # pruned level set tree    plotvolu(lst,modelabel=FALSE)        # volume plot  plotvolu(lst,cutlev=0.010,ptext=0.00045,colo=TRUE) # zooming    coordi<-1                   # coordinate, coordi = 1, 2, 3  plotbary(lst,coordi=coordi,ptext=0.0006) # barycenter plot     

This time we have used parameter ''cutlev'' to make a zoomed volume plot. When this parameter is given, then only the part of the level set tree is shown which is above the value ''cutlev''. Typically it is better to zoom in to the volume plot by cutting the tails of the volume function away. This is achieved by the parameter ''xlim''. We may us for example the following command to make a ``vertically zoomed'' volume plot.

plotvolu(lst,xlim=c(140,220),ptext=0.00045,           colo=TRUE,modelabel=FALSE)   

Additional parameters which we have used are the ''modelabel'', which is used to suppress the plotting of the mode labels, ''ptext'', which lifts the mode labels with the given amount, and ''colo'', which colors the graph of the volume function to make a comparison with the barycenter plots easier.

The 4D pentahedron example

(Click on image to enlarge)

We consider the 4-dimensional example.

N<-c(16,16,16,16)    pcf<,type="penta4d")  lst.big<-leafsfirst(pcf)  lst<-treedisc(lst.big,pcf,ngrid=100)    plotvolu(lst,modelabel=F)  # volume plot  plotvolu(lst,cutlev=0.0008,ptext=0.00039,colo=TRUE) # zooming    coordi<-1               # coordinate, coordi = 1, 2, 3, 4  plotbary(lst,coordi=coordi,ptext=0.0003) # barycenter plot  

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 26, 2010 23:40:13

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Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? (Brown Bear and Friends)

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? (Brown Bear and Friends) Review

This is a pleasant follow-up to Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, What Do You See?, with the rhythmic refrain changed by one word. This volume focuses on animals found in the zoo and the sounds they make: Polar bear, lion, hippo, flamingo, zebra, boa constrictor, elephant, leopard, peacock, walrus, finishing with the zookeeper and children, who playfully imitate the animals. It's characterized by pleasant, predictable repetition and Eric Carle's wonderfully playful collage illustrations.

Like Brown Bear, this book is well suited to the preschool crowd and could make a confidence-building practice reader.

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? (Brown Bear and Friends) Overview

Children are encouraged to guess what the big, fluffy, white polar bear is hearing in a colorful successor to Brown Bear that is complemented by artwork by an award-winning illustrator.

Available at Amazon $25.95 Check It Now!!

Special Price For Now $16.87 Check It Now!!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 26, 2010 05:00:20

Loan Consolidation Student Loans

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Pruning Book: Completely Revised and Updated

The Pruning Book: Completely Revised and Updated Review

I have a large garden with not only, trees but bushes and grass too. I appreciate the fact that recommendations include various ways to `prune` grass, the various tools used and down to the nitty gritty of how to prune individual types of plants like tomatoes, various fig varieties and stone fruits. This book contains not only the whys and hows of prunning but Lee Reich`s humour, rich style of writing, beautiful pictures and clear illustrations make it a welcome addition to my gardening book collection.

The Pruning Book: Completely Revised and Updated Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781600850950
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Pruning Book: Completely Revised and Updated Overview

It sounds simple enough, but pruning can confound even the most competent gardener. This new edition of Taunton’s award-winning book explains the do’s and don’ts of cutting back; from humble houseplants to the most amazing exotics, readers learn how to make the right cut the first time, every time. With straightforward prose, over 250 photographs, and 135 drawings, this essential reference walks gardeners through the process of pruning everything from ornamental trees and bushes to topiaries and bonsai. The author, Lee Reich, is a respected horticulturist who writes frequently on gardening subjects. Here, he demystifies the timing and techniques that result in the most successful pruning for healthy growth and good form. Updated with the latest information and enhanced illustrations, this book belongs in every gardener’s library, whether he or she is a professional, a landscaping veteran, or is pruning for the very first time.

Available at Amazon $21.95 Check It Now!!

Special Price For Now $13.84 Check It Now!!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 25, 2010 10:30:19

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns (Little Books. Big Profits)

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns (Little Books. Big Profits) Review

As a beginning investor, I can honestly say that this book changed my life. I plan on using Bogle's method of investing now after reading this book. It is an entertaining read but also persuasive in the point of view that index funds are a better investment option than mutual funds. I think Bogle is right that index funds are a better investment option because of lower fees and lower taxes. Jim Cramer also recommends index funds in his book "Stay Mad for Life" so I figure when there are several experts in consensus, it is a good bet.

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns (Little Books. Big Profits) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780470102107
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns (Little Books. Big Profits) Overview

Investing is all about common sense. Owning a diversified portfolio of stocks and holding it for the long term is a winner’s game. Trying to beat the stock market is theoretically a zero-sum game (for every winner, there must be a loser), but after the substantial costs of investing are deducted, it becomes a loser’s game. Common sense tells us—and history confirms—that the simplest and most efficient investment strategy is to buy and hold all of the nation’s publicly held businesses at very low cost. The classic index fund that owns this market portfolio is the only investment that guarantees you with your fair share of stock market returns.

To learn how to make index investing work for you, there’s no better mentor than legendary mutual fund industry veteran John C. Bogle. Over the course of his long career, Bogle—founder of the Vanguard Group and creator of the world’s first index mutual fund—has relied primarily on index investing to help Vanguard’s clients build substantial wealth. Now, with The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, he wants to help you do the same.

Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, The Little Book of Common Sense Investing will show you how to incorporate this proven investment strategy into your portfolio. It will also change the very way you think about investing. Successful investing is not easy. (It requires discipline and patience.) But it is simple. For it’s all about common sense.

With The Little Book of Common Sense Investing as your guide, you’ll discover how to make investing a winner’s game:

  • Why business reality—dividend yields and earnings growth—is more important than market expectations
  • How to overcome the powerful impact of investment costs, taxes, and inflation
  • How the magic of compounding returns is overwhelmed by the tyranny of compounding costs
  • What expert investors and brilliant academics—from Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham to Paul Samuelson and Burton Malkiel—have to say about index investing
  • And much more

You’ll also find warnings about investment fads and fashions, including the recent stampede into exchange traded funds and the rise of indexing gimmickry. The real formula for investment success is to own the entire market, while significantly minimizing the costs of financial intermediation. That’s what index investing is all about. And that’s what this book is all about.

JOHN C. BOGLE is founder of the Vanguard Group, Inc., and President of its Bogle Financial Markets Research Center. He created Vanguard in 1974 and served as chairman and chief executive officer until 1996 and senior chairman until 2000. In 1999, Fortune magazine named Mr. Bogle as one of the four "Investment Giants" of the twentieth century; in 2004, Time named him one of the world’s 100 most powerful and influential people, and Institutional Investor presented him with its Lifetime Achievement Award.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 24, 2010 15:25:11

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Winter's Heart (The Wheel of Time, Book 9)

Winter's Heart (The Wheel of Time, Book 9) Review

Here we have the ninth book in the series. I have read this book at least twice before. We diverged with Perrin in a extraneous quest but he needed something to balance all the fun Mat seems to be having.

Thus we run square into the problem that Jordan has created, too many streams. The entire discussion during this reread is where can this series end, for it was a trilogy.

After the series achieved success others will show how Jordan purports to have thousands of pages on the history of the world. That is all well and good, but back when the story was only going to be a trilogy, you wouldn't need to create so much unless you were sure you were going to be paid for it. Before WoT, Jordan was not all that well published. Conan books, and not as memorable as the items published much earlier by those who expanded on Howard's iconic barbarian hero.

But now as a writer making money. Probably very good money, why not take the time to step back and create a mega opus. Bigger then Tolkien who is regard as the God of Fantasy.

Why not write so many character sketches that you can fill rooms with them. That may make the world richer, but it sets up problems. Winter's Heart fails though not as badly as the previous transition book. The failure is having so many story lines that justice is not done to any of them.

Further the time scale is again destroyed, where earlier books almost a year will pass in the telling, now it is weeks, and our heroes can accomplish what used to take them months. One has to remember that they are novices at there jobs of magic casters, or rulers, or battle leaders despite what memories may be inside their head.

Those of you who aren't twenty, how many really know that it does take years to have the wisdom to read people. To analyze the interactions of your environment quickly and correctly. If every twenty year old could do it (And there are several in Jordan's world who can.) Then what need of older people. Surely everyone over twenty-five are idiots...

In the Music Man, "The older-but wiser girl for me..." (It was on last night) and that is highlighted everytime a Wise One or Aes Sedai of years of experience is bossed around by one of the children. Sure they need to be heroic, but elders need to help them manage, not jump to every order.

So again do you read this book. Well it is better than the previous for stories, though shortened, do complete. But once again Jordan is stretching out his trilogy beyond all reason.

Winter's Heart (The Wheel of Time, Book 9) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780312864255
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Winter's Heart (The Wheel of Time, Book 9) Overview

The eagerly awaited sequel to The Path of Daggers, the New York Times #1 bestseller that swept the nation like a firestorm. Ninth in a series by a writer who has won the hearts of North American readers like no one since Tolkien, Winters Heart is bound to create demand for the earlier volumes in hardcover. Rand, with Min, is on the run, and Cadsuane, in Carhien, is trying to figure out where he is headed. Mazrim Taim, leader of the Black Tower, is revealed to be a liar. Faile, with her companions, is a prisoner of Sevannas Sept. With Elyas Machera, Berelain, the Prophet, and an army of disparate forces, Perrin is moving through country rife with bandits and roving Seanchan. In Ebou Dar, the Seanchan princess known as Daughter of the Nine Moons arrives. In Tar Valon, the schemers and counter-schemers in Elaidas White Tower are shaken to the core when the rebels appear suddenly outside the walls.

Winter's Heart (The Wheel of Time, Book 9) Specifications

Is Robert Jordan still doing the Light's work? Even loyal fans have to wonder. (And if you're not a fan yet, you'll have to read the previous 6,789 pages in this bestselling series to understand what all the fuss is about.)

Everyone's in agreement on the Wheel of Time's first four or five volumes: They're topnotch, where-have-you-been-all-my-life epic fantasy, the best in anybody's memory at the time since The Lord of the Rings. But a funny thing happened on the way to Tarmon Gai'don, and many of those raves have become rants or (worse) yawns. Jordan long ago proved himself a master at world-building, with fascinating characters, a positively delicious backstory, and enough plot and politics to choke a Trolloc, but that same strength has become a liability. How do you criticize what he's doing now? You want more momentum and direction in the central plot line, but it's the secondary stories that have made the world so rich. And as in the last couple of books, (A Crown of Swords and The Path of Daggers), Jordan doesn't really succeed at pursuing either adequately, leaving a lot of heavily invested readers frustrated.

Winter's Heart at least shows some improvement, but it's still not The Eye of the World. Elayne's still waiting to take the crown of Andor; the noticeably absent Egwene is still waiting to go after the White Tower; Perrin gets ready to pursue the Shaido but then disappears for the rest of the book. About the only excitement comes with the long-awaited return of Mat Cauthon and a thankfully rock 'em, sock 'em finale in which Rand finally, finally changes the balance of power in his fight against the Dark One. --Paul Hughes

Available at Amazon $29.95 Check It Now!!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 23, 2010 20:15:29

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The Pregnancy Book: Month-by-Month, Everything You Need to Know From America's Baby Experts

The Pregnancy Book: Month-by-Month, Everything You Need to Know From America's Baby Experts Review

Overall this book does the trick. I am 15 weeks pregnant with my first child, and so far I find this book pretty useful. I like the way they put all the unlikely risks/ diseases in an appendix at the back, so as not to scare the vast majority of mothers who will have a healthy pregnancy and baby. On the other hand, they devote so many pages to morning sickness, it makes one believe every woman will have this. Lucky me, I don't, and I find the way they go on and on about it annoying. Even more annoying is the way they date pregnancy by gestational weeks, not the way every midwife or doctor dates it (from the first day of the last period)....this means that when you are "20 weeks" by all conventional standards, according to this book you are only 18 weeks. I find this really discouraging, especially in the first half of pregnancy when it still isn't showing and any progress is appreciated.

Also, people into Attachment Parenting might be drawn to this book, as I was. I reckon some of those people are also the types to want to give birth in a birth center or at home. Well, just know that, although AP is not exactly mainstream, the Searses are VERY mainstream in their view of birth. They basically believe the hospital is the best place to give birth, and are against home birth. They continue to perpetuate the myth that home birth is not safe. So, if you are planning or thinking about a home birth, please do not look to this book for any encouragement.

Besides my few complaints, I find this book overall to be very useful and would recommend it.

The Pregnancy Book: Month-by-Month, Everything You Need to Know From America's Baby Experts Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780316779142
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Pregnancy Book: Month-by-Month, Everything You Need to Know From America's Baby Experts Overview

A definitive guide for expectant mothers, organized in month-by-month chapters covers topics ranging from the emotional effects of pregnancy and bodily changes to fetal development and what to expect during delivery. Simultaneous. 200,000 first printing."

The Pregnancy Book: Month-by-Month, Everything You Need to Know From America's Baby Experts Specifications

The Pregnancy Book is an excellent all-in-one guide to pregnancy from William and Martha Sears, creators of the concept of "attachment parenting." Each of the book's chapters represents a month, and deals with physical and emotional changes, describes the growth of the fetus, and discusses common concerns. The authors also focus on nutrition, exercise, information and support for home births and birthing centers, traveling while pregnant, how to avoid episiotomy, and so on. The approach is gentle, thorough, and includes more information than some month-by-month guides, which makes The Pregnancy Book an excellent choice for pregnant couples.

Available at Amazon $16.99 Check It Now!!

Special Price For Now $6.22 Check It Now!!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 23, 2010 00:35:15

Loan Consolidation Student Loans

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Complete Book of U.S. History

The Complete Book of U.S. History Review

As homeschoolers, we struggled to find a history book that would capture my son's attention. This one focusing more on one person's story and how it fit into a historical event was perfect. Was a little disappointed that there wasn't more "meat" to it, but then again, I think it was good for elementary kids. And apparently the information provided was done in a way that my son could remember, as he pointed out some cool facts to me, while we were at a museum later! Thanks!

The Complete Book of U.S. History Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781561896790
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Complete Book of U.S. History Overview

The Complete Book of U.S. History covers pre-United States history with the native peoples of the American continent to present day, using text and activities to reinforce learning of those concepts.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 22, 2010 05:45:20

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Friday, August 20, 2010

The Night Before First Grade (Reading Railroad)

The Night Before First Grade (Reading Railroad) Review

If today was your first day in First Grade, then, this is the book for you. If today reminds you of your first day in First Grade many years ago, you can look back and reflect on this time when you probably wanted to hang on with your best friend from Kindergarten. Sometimes, you might be with that friend, but more than likely, you two will be separated, and find your selves getting together outside of that classroom. You see, there are always more than one group of children in a particular grade at a school. It just happens; and, maybe, you will be together in a class, another year.

I remember my first day "teaching First Grade" and the 50 students who walked their way into my life. There were kids who knew each other in Kindergarten and actually spent First Grade together; then, there were kids who met new friends, as did their friends, and together, that brought several children together.

Right now, if you are reading this, you probably spent today as the first day in First Grade, and your life is taking on new meaning. You will enjoy the adventure in your own life, as well as the adventure in this story. I will not tell you what happens in either place. This way, you can enter each new day with interest and excitement, and "you will be making new memories", just as the first graders in this wonderful story.

So, "Happy First Day in First Grade", all you new first graders!"

The Night Before First Grade (Reading Railroad) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780448437477
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Night Before First Grade (Reading Railroad) Overview

It’s the night before the Big Day—first grade. Penny is excited to start the year with her best friend right beside her in the same classroom. This humorous take on Clement C. Moore’s classic tale has a perfect twist ending that will surprise readers—as well as the "heroine" of the story—and help all about-to-be first-graders through their own backto- school jitters.

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The Path of Daggers (The Wheel of Time #8) (Book 8)

The Path of Daggers (The Wheel of Time #8) (Book 8) Review

Because of the abundance of negative and mediocre reviews here, I was weary when picking up this book, expecting the worst of the series. To my surprise, I actually found this one quite enjoyable, moreso than "Lord of Chaos" or "A Crown of Swords."

I decided to skip making a review of "A Crown of Swords" and go straight to this book, because . . . well, there wasn't really anything to say about ACoS. It was pretty much the same as LoC. In fact, if LoC hadn't been so doggone fat with description and pointless details, I think that it, Crown of Swords, and Path of Daggers could have been combined into two books, rather than three.

Robert Jordan's biggest flaw as a writer, I think, is that he doesn't know what to focus on. He has such an incredible story, world, and characters, yet he spends his time on the wrong things entirely. A lot more story, action, and character development could be packed in if the more mundane happenings and excess description was gotten rid of. Oftentimes, however, he tends to skip over details that I would dearly like to read about, such as Elayne's test to become Accepted, or her relationship with Rand, or Rand's interaction with his Asha'man, to name a few. It is tantalizing to think of what a glorious, 5-star series this could have been and remained if this one problem had been gotten rid of.

What I think is provoking so much negative feedback for these books, more than anything else, is the slow progress. I suffer a little less from this, since I started the series later than most readers and can read the books back to back, but when these books were being published, series' loyalists had to wait up to two or three years between books after Lord of Chaos was published, and little enough progress is made in each one.

But then, the Wheel of Time never has been a series for immediate action and gratification. These are slow-paced, character-driven books that were written to be satisfying in the long run, rather than in the immediate, and if you go in thirsting for action and excitement and nothing else, you might be disappointing. On the flipside, I've found that going back and reading the series over, after reading several books in, makes for a much richer experience than the first time.

The first time reading, most characters seem really minor, and get brushed aside easily and forgotten. After reading through several books and getting an idea of who the characters are and where they're going, I can really savor the storylines and character interaction, as well as the staggering complexity of the plot. I'd advise new readers of this series to do the same, read several books in, then go back and start a second time. It makes everything better.

Anyway, "Path of Daggers" benefited in no small manner from its slightly better focus. Elayne, my favorite character along with Rand, is more prominent in this book than any other character, which counts for quite a bit with me. I personally found Egwene's POV to the be the most boring, as it moves sluggishly and is too preoccupied with politics to be fully enjoyable. The plot itself takes place over the time frame of about one month.

All and all, it's a good book, though it could do with a lot less bitchy secondary characters(Cadsuane, Nynaeve, the Maidens) and with more Rand and Elayne. I'd also like to see more focus on the excellent and colorful magic system, the One Power. It deserves more of a forefront in the series and more frequent use than it is getting.

The Path of Daggers (The Wheel of Time #8) (Book 8) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780812550290
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Path of Daggers (The Wheel of Time #8) (Book 8) Overview

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.

The Path of Daggers (The Wheel of Time #8) (Book 8) Specifications

Robert Jordan's bestselling Wheel of Time epic is one of the most popular fantasy series of all time for a reason. Jordan's world is rich and complex, and he's assembled an endearing, involving core of characters while mapping out an ambitious and engaging story arc.

But with the previous book, Crown of Swords, and now with Path of Daggers, the series is in a bit of a holding pattern. Path continues the halting gait of the current plot line: Rand is still on the brink of losing it, all the while juggling the political machinations around him and again taking to the field against the Seanchan. The rest of the Two Rivers kids and company don't seem to be moving much faster. Egwene continues to slowly consolidate her hold as the "true" Amyrlin (finally getting closer to Tar Valon and the inevitable confrontation with Elaida), and Nynaeve and Elayne keep on wandering toward the Lion Throne, again on the run from the Seanchan. Mat Cauthon is barely mentioned, and fellow ta'veren Perrin keeps busy with politics in Ghealdan. The ending does provide promise, though, that book nine might match the pace and passion of the previous books.

If you're already hooked, you could sooner overcome a weave of Compulsion than avoid picking up a copy of Path of Daggers. But if you're new to the series, start at the beginning with the engrossing, much-better-paced Eye of the World. --Paul Hughes

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Dudes' Guide to Pregnancy: Dealing with Your Expecting Wife, Coming Baby, and the End of Life as You Knew It

The Dudes' Guide to Pregnancy: Dealing with Your Expecting Wife, Coming Baby, and the End of Life as You Knew It Review

Im an expectant father and I bought this book because it seemed different than the usual moronic broads' point of view books. You definitely won't find this on Oprah or The View! All the other books on this subject are written by women (so you know they're stupid), and teach you diddley squat, because women tend to go off on 5 paragraphs when one sentence is sufficient. Get to the point skeezers. Anyways, it's funny, which helps you get through all the banter of do this and do that. My only question is this: How the hell did cavemen raise babies? Oh yeah... food, water, air! That's all you need. Not fetus psychology and celery sticks, and preg-o yoga. Air, food, water. That's it! I think these guys know that. Too bad they haven't tackled other subjects yet!

The Dudes' Guide to Pregnancy: Dealing with Your Expecting Wife, Coming Baby, and the End of Life as You Knew It Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780446178198
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Dudes' Guide to Pregnancy: Dealing with Your Expecting Wife, Coming Baby, and the End of Life as You Knew It Overview

When a couple gets pregnant, typically, the first thing the mother-to-be does is rush out to the bookstore to buy the various pregnancy bibles. But how is the expectant father supposed to know what to expect? He could wait in the dark and take his cues from his partner, or he could prepare himself for anything and everything by seeking the counsel of two regular dudes, who have climbed the steep learning curve (and lived to tell) that comes when having a baby. THE DUDES' GUIDE TO PREGNANCY dispenses irreverent, honest, practical advice for the expectant father in an easy-to-understand--and often hilarious--man-to-man format. Taking you through the entire nine month process, the Dudes offer advice on what to expect from your newly pregnant wife (paranoia, morning sickness, enlarged breasts, no sex); the dos and don'ts of dealing with your wife's body and mood changes, your mother-in-law and other family members; and the nitty-gritty details of what is expected of you and how your life will be changing during the next 40 weeks. THE DUDES' GUIDE TO PREGNANCYgives twenty-something to forty-something men the indespensible tools and advice they need to maneuver the many ups and downs associated with impending fatherhood.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The 20th-Century Children's Book Treasury: Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud

The 20th-Century Children's Book Treasury: Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud Review

I cringed the first time I saw this book--it was sad to see so many well-remembered classics squashed together like this, with the the pictures shrunken or gone completely. But, from a purely practical perspective, if you want one book to read to young children, this is the place to start. Having this in the house means that, come bedtime, there is always *something* you can read to your child--if not Stella Luna, how about the Berenstein Bears. If you're tired of Amerlia Bedelia, then let's try Madelaine. Whenever we took my son on a trip as a preschooler we would take this one book, and that would cover the bedtime story department. The lack of all the original pictures even turned out to be a blessing in a way. I would use this as a read-aloud book and, if my son particularly liked one of the stories here, encourage him to get the original out of the library and read it himself, a great way to start him reading on his own. An ideal gift for new parents.

The 20th-Century Children's Book Treasury: Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780679886471
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The 20th-Century Children's Book Treasury: Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud Overview

Unparalleled in scope and quality and designed for reading aloud and

sharing, this splendid anthology brings together 43 of the most memorable and

beloved children's books of our time. Here are classics such as Madeline

and Curious George; contemporary bestsellers such as Guess How Much I

Love You and The Stinky Cheese Man; Caldecott Medal winners such as

Make Way for Ducklings and Where the Wild Things Are; and family

favorites such as Goodnight Moon, The Sneetches, and

Winnie-the-Pooh. The selections range from concept books and wordless

books to picture books and short read-aloud stories, and represent the complete

array of childhood themes and reading needs: ABCs, number and color books,

stories about going to bed and going to school; tales about growing up,

siblings, parents, and grandparents; animal stories, fantasies; fables; magical

stories; stories about everyday life--and more. Also included are an

introduction, capsule biographies of the 62 writers and artists represented in

the collection, color-coded running heads indicating age levels, and indexes.

As a gift, a keepsake, and a companion in a child's first steps toward a

lifelong love of reading, The 20th Century Children's Book Treasury

belongs in every family's bookcase.

The 20th-Century Children's Book Treasury: Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud Specifications

Believe it or not, 44 complete read-aloud classics and future classics--from Goodnight Moon to Stellaluna--are packed in this remarkably svelte, positively historic anthology. Flipping through the 308 pages of The 20th-Century Children's Book Treasury is like browsing a photo album of beloved friends and family. The familiar faces of Curious George and Ferdinand the Bull peer earnestly from the pages, and scenes from Madeline and Millions of Cats resonate as if you just experienced them yesterday. Think of the advantages of carrying this book on a vacation instead of a suitcase of single titles! (Your kids can always revisit their dog-eared hardcovers when they get home.)

This impressive collection of concept books, wordless books, picture books, and read-aloud stories was artfully compiled by longtime children's book editor and publisher Janet Schulman. Stories are coded red, blue, and green to designate age groupings from baby/toddler books such as Whose Mouse Are You?, through preschool books such as Where the Wild Things Are, to longer stories for ages 5 and older such as Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. The reason the book isn't bigger than Babar is because many of the illustrations from each story were reduced or removed to fit the anthology's format. (Leo Lionni's Swimmy, for example, takes up 5 pages total, compared to its original 29 pages.) Brief biographical notes that are surprisingly quirky shine a little light on the 62 authors and illustrators, and an index helps, too, for the child who likes one story best. We love the idea of being within easy reach of a Star-Belly Sneetch, a William Steig donkey, and a Sendak monster at all times, and we're sure your little bookworms will, too. (Click to see a sample spread from The 20th-Century Children's Book Treasury, compilation copyright © 1998 by Janet Schulman, illustrations © renewed 1997 by William Steig.) (All ages) --Karin Snelson

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Curse of Deadman's Forest (Oracles of Delphi Keep)

The Curse of Deadman's Forest (Oracles of Delphi Keep) Review

The Curse of Deadman's Forest (Oracles of Delphi Keep) Overview

The Curse of Deadman's Forest is the second book in the Oracles of Delphi Keep—a series with all the timeless charm of classics like the Chronicles of Narnia and all the action-packed adventure of a modern middle-grade blockbuster.

Since Ian Wigby and his sister, Theodosia, found the silver treasure box and the prophecy within it, their world has changed. There's no denying what they discovered in Morocco: a powerful evil is budding, and to defeat it, and save the world from darkness, six uniquely gifted children must be gathered.

According to prophecy, a trip through the magical portal near the castle will bring them to the third Oracle--a child with extraordinary powers to heal. But the very same prophecy foretells Ian's death should he venture through the portal again.

Everyone agrees: to risk Ian's life is too great a gamble. But when a terrible curse enters the keep, it becomes clear that there is no other choice.

If Ian and Theo stay in Dover, all will surely be lost, but to follow the prophecy, they will risk their lives and everything they have ever held dear.

According to prophecy, a trip through the magical portal near the castle will bring them to the third Oracle—a child with extraordinary powers to heal. But the very same prophecy foretells Ian's death should he venture through the portal again.
Everyone agrees: to risk Ian's life is too great a gamble. But when a terrible curse enters the keep, it becomes clear that there is no other choice.
If Ian and Theo stay in Dover, all will surely be lost, but to follow the prophecy, they will risk their lives and everything they have ever held dear.
Since Ian Wigby and his sister, Theodosia, found the silver treasure box and the prophecy within it, their world has changed. There's no denying what they discovered in Morocco: a powerful evil is building, and to defeat it, and save the world from darkness, six uniquely gifted children must be gathered.

According to prophecy, a trip through the magical portal near the castle will bring them to the third Oracle—a child with extraordinary powers to heal. But the very same prophecy foretells Ian's death should he venture through the portal again.

Everyone agrees: to risk Ian's life is too great a gamble. But when a terrible curse enters the keep, it becomes clear that there is no other choice.

If Ian and Theo stay in Dover, all will surely be lost, but to follow the prophecy, they will risk their lives and everything they have ever held dear.
Since Ian Wigby and his sister, Theodosia, found the silver treasure box and the prophecy within it, their world has changed. There's no denying what they discovered in Morocco: a powerful evil is building, and to defeat it, and save the world from darkness, six uniquely gifted children must be gathered.
According to prophecy, a trip through the magical portal near the castle will bring them to the third Oracle—a child with extraordinary powers to heal. But the very same prophecy foretells Ian's death should he venture through the portal again.
Everyone agrees: to risk Ian's life is too great a gamble. But when a terrible curse enters the keep, it becomes clear that there is no other choice.
If Ian and Theo stay in Dover, all will surely be lost, but to follow the prophecy, they will risk their lives and everything they have ever held dear.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 17, 2010 17:35:10

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Monday, August 16, 2010

The Pregnancy Countdown Book: Nine Months of Practical Tips, Useful Advice, and Uncensored Truths

The Pregnancy Countdown Book: Nine Months of Practical Tips, Useful Advice, and Uncensored Truths Review

Although some of the recommendations are a bit rich for my blood (but would be fun for a shopaholic), overall this book is just too good not to give to my friends when they become pregnant! I have about half a dozen "pregnancy" books. Most go month-by-month, and are serious in tone. This book has a page for each day. It was a bit eerie how frequently the page for the day reflected EXACTLY what I was thinking (read: obsessing over) right around that time! The book is humerus, but the expert advice was quite good too, and it was really nice how it came in right when it was needed. Especially helpfully, it goes on to the "4th trimester" --- no, not the first 3 months of the baby's life, but those last few weeks after your due-date when you have already read all the pregnancy books and baby books you are going to, are out of energy, and just need a lift to get you through another day before this baby SHOWS UP already!

The Pregnancy Countdown Book: Nine Months of Practical Tips, Useful Advice, and Uncensored Truths Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781594740879
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Pregnancy Countdown Book: Nine Months of Practical Tips, Useful Advice, and Uncensored Truths Overview

The average pregnancy lasts 280 days and the suspense can be excruciating!

The Pregnancy Countdown Book starts on Day 280 and counts down the biggest milestones every step of the way with one page of helpful information for each day of your pregnancy. Here are tips from doctors and midwives, amusing anecdotes and quotes, and occasional gory-but-necessary details (if you can define the word "lochia," you know what we're talking about).

Every page offers an interesting revelation. On Day 231, your baby will be the size of a blueberry but by Day 168, he'll be the size of a large avocado. By Day 124, you'll need to stop sleeping on your back; by Day 90, air travel becomes a dicey proposition. And if you haven't planned the nursery by Day 45, you're playing with fire.

A perfect gift for expecting moms of all ages, The Pregnancy Countdown Book is a delightfully irreverent look at the craziest nine months of your life.

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The Breathing Book: Vitality & Good Health Through Essential Breath Work

The Breathing Book: Vitality & Good Health Through Essential Breath Work Review

Donna Farhi has done a wonderful job here explaining the common habitual breathing mistakes many people adopt and how to reverse the habit. We tend to trivialize the imprtance of breathing correctly and yet it is the very mechanism that can transform the way we think and therefore the way we act. It does have alot of information in it but 'Rome was not built in a day', and most of us have spent a lifetime cultivating a strange breathing pattern that causes gripping in the body and mind. This book is great for the yoga student and teacher but also to anyone else, as we all need to breathe be it on a sticky mat or not.The anatomy of breathing was very useful, as was the section on dismantling the incorrect pattern. Camella Nair - Author of "Aqua Kriya Yoga".

The Breathing Book: Vitality & Good Health Through Essential Breath Work Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780805042979
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Breathing Book: Vitality & Good Health Through Essential Breath Work Overview

A groundbreaking approach to improving the quality of your life through the most readily accessible resource: your breath. These safe and easy-to-learn techniques can also be used to treat asthma and ease stress, depression, eating disorders, insomnia, arthritis, chronic pain, and other debilitating conditions.

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

First Book of Adam and Eve

First Book of Adam and Eve Review

First Book of Adam and Eve Overview

An unabridged edition to include each of the seventy-nine chapters with updated typeface -

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Sicilian Romance: A Gothic Novel

A Sicilian Romance: A Gothic Novel Review

I've read all of Mrs. Radcliffe's novels, except for her last one. I must admit that this novel is not as good as The Mysteries of Udolpho. But I think when reading this novel it's important to keep in mind why Ann Radcliffe wrote it in the first place.

It's impossible to appreciate Ann Radcliffe's intentions in writing this book and the complexities of The Italian without having first read Matthew "Monk" Lewis' The Monk. Lewis was so inspired by The Mysteries of Udolpho that he wrote The Monk, which has characters engaging in activities that are horrifying. (Lewis became so identified with his book that he was nicknamed Monk Lewis.) Mrs. Radcliffe was very upset that Lewis was inspired by her book to write his. In response to The Monk, Mrs. Radcliffe wrote The Italian. Mrs. Radcliffe "corrected" in The Italian what she felt was wrong and horrifying about The Monk.

For anyone who finds The Italian lacking at all, I highly recommend he or she read The Monk to gain a better understanding of what Ann Radcliffe was trying to accomplish. And for anyone who has not read The Italian yet, read The Monk first- then I'm sure you will find The Italian a much more enjoyable read.

A Sicilian Romance: A Gothic Novel Overview

A Gothic novel by Ann Radcliffe, "A Sicilian Romance" was published anonymously in 1790. The plot revolves around the turbulent history of the fallen aristocrats of the house of Mazzini who lived in a castle on the northern shore of Sicily. The tale is told by a tourist who becomes intrigued by stories he hears from a monk he runs into while exploring the ruins of the old castle. The story itself is set in the late 1500s with the main characters being Julia and her sister Emilia, who are daughters of the Fifth Marquis of Mazzini, a haughty, cruel man. The girls mother had been a charming beauty of a woman that died quite suddenly. The girls are left in the care of their mother's friend and spend their entire childhood on the father's estate with no company except an occasional visit from their father. The girls grow to be talented, beautiful young women. When one of the servants dies, the father returns to the castle and decides to throw a lavish party. There Julia meets and falls in love with a young count and they decide to attempt to escape and elope. The rest of the tale revolves around the good and evil characters with clever twists and turns. This was the second book by Ann Radcliffe who was the most popular writer of her day and was almost universally known.

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Lord of Chaos (The Wheel of Time, Book 6)

Lord of Chaos (The Wheel of Time, Book 6) Review

Lord of Chaos (The Wheel of Time, Book 6) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780812513752
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Lord of Chaos (The Wheel of Time, Book 6) Overview

In this sequel to the phenomenal New York Times bestseller The Fires of Heaven, we plunge again into Robert Jordan's extraordinarily rich, totally unforgettable world:

On the slopes of Shayol Ghul, the Myrddraal swords are forged, and the sky is not the sky of this world;

In Salidar the White Tower in exile prepares an embassy to Caemlyn, where Rand Al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn, holds the throne--and where an unexpected visitor may change the world....

In Emond's Field, Perrin Goldeneyes, Lord of the Two Rivers, feels the pull of ta'veren to ta'veren and prepares to march....

Morgase of Caemlyn finds a most unexpected, and quite unwelcome, ally....And south lies Illian, where Sammael holds sway....

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 13, 2010 19:30:11

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Desire Unchained (Demonica, Book 2)

Desire Unchained (Demonica, Book 2) Review

Runa Wagner met the sexiest man she had ever seen one day. He took her outside her coffee house and gave her the most amazing orgasm ever. She never thought she would see him again till he came back a again and again. Till she felt as though they were a couple and she was falling in love with him till one day she thought to surprise him by going to his house only to find him in bed with a Vampire and another being she had no idea what it was. She was so upset and hurt she did not see the monster she ran straight into till it attacked her and left her for dead. But she did not die no she became the monster herself. Now she wants Shade to pay for her broken heart and the monster she has become she goes after him only to be taken by his worst enemy.

Shade knew he was getting to close to the human female Runa he knew he was going to have to let her go. But he did not want her to see him with other women but once she did he thought well at least it was a clean break. Only to find himself chained up in a dungeon with her, by an enemy he thought long dead. Then to make it all worse he finds himself bonded to her as his mate. Even though she is no longer human and could mate with him it is still a bad idea. He cannot fall in love with any one due to his curse that states that if he finds love he will fade away till he is no longer visible and will never be able to sate his cravings and will eventually go mad. But this woman brings out feelings in him he should not be feeling and now with her as his mate how will he keep her at a distance when all he wants to do is bring her closer.

I love shade also. I think his smart ass comments and comebacks are great. This book is great because you still get to see Eidolon and you learn soo much more about the other side characters and start to like them to. But this book is where I really liked Wraith he tries to be all hard ass but he loves his brothers and tries to do right by them. Shade loves Wraith and wants to keep him safe even if it is form himself. I love the closeness that those two share. I absolutely love the ending of this book. What Shade does to be with Runa is WOW.. Its great I think its very romantic in a paranormal way, Just my type of romance.

Desire Unchained (Demonica, Book 2) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780446400985
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Desire Unchained (Demonica, Book 2) Overview

Pleasure is their ultimate weapon . . .

Runa Wagner never meant to fall in love with the sexy stranger who seemed to know her every deepest desire. But she couldn't resist the unbelievable passion that burned between them, a passion that died when she discovered his betrayal and found herself forever changed. Now, determined to make Shade pay for the transformation that haunts her, Runa searches for him, only to be taken prisoner by his darkest enemy.

A Seminus Demon with a love-curse that threatens him with eternal torment, Shade hoped he'd seen the last of Runa and her irresistible charm. But when he wakes up in a dank dungeon chained next to an enraged and mysteriously powerful Runa, he realizes that her effect on him is more dangerous than ever.

As their captor casts a spell that bonds them as lifemates, Shade and Runa must fight for their lives and their hearts-or succumb to a madman's evil plans.

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

My First Spanish Word Book / Mi Primer Libro De Palabras EnEspañol (Spanish Edition)

My First Spanish Word Book / Mi Primer Libro De Palabras EnEspañol (Spanish Edition) Review

My 2 year old nephew loves this book. Even though he only knows spanish colors right now, and we aren't really working on other vocab, he loves looking at the pictures and trying to find things... I say "point to the.........." and he loves it....

It's nice having REAL photos as opposed to drawings. My nephew tends to like that much better. This is a hardback book with lots of pages... I was even thinking it would be good for adults tryin to learn spanish!

My First Spanish Word Book / Mi Primer Libro De Palabras EnEspañol (Spanish Edition) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781564582553
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

My First Spanish Word Book / Mi Primer Libro De Palabras EnEspañol (Spanish Edition) Overview

Presents pictures labeled in both Spanish and English under such headings as "Going to school," "Weather," and "At the supermarket."

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Changes (Dresden Files, Book 12)

Changes (Dresden Files, Book 12) Review

Calls from ex-girlfriend Susan are never good news for wizard Harry Dresden, but this time she drops a bombshell. His daughter has been kidnapped by the vampires of the Red Court. That would be bad news under any circumstances but the news is complicated by the fact that Susan never let Harry know he had a daughter. With the Red Court currently pushing for a truce with the White Council of wizards, Harry is on his own.

He may be shocked to learn he has a daughter, but Harry has to deal with it. To save his daughter, he realizes he's willing to make decisions, compromises, sacrifices he would never make to save his life. And one of those involves asking for help from the Fae winter court. He's resisted their offers, insisted on being his own man, but his independence means nothing compared to the life of his daughter. Still, what help they can offer seems inadequate compared to the power of thousands of vampires, vampires who virtually rule South and Central America.

Although Harry thinks he'll be on his own, his friends don't see it that way. Although his cop-friend Murphy may lose her job if she helps, she won't let him go alone. Nor will his half-brother/vampire, Thomas, or his apprentice, Molly. Of course Susan and her dubious sidekick, Martin are coming along. But getting there is half the challenge. Because Arianna, princess of the Red Court, has every intention of stopping him before he can arrive at Chichen Itza where his daughter's sacrifice is on schedule. The vampire assassins she's sent to stop him aren't particularly effective, but they are powerful and persistent.

Author Jim Butcher continues his Dresden Files series with a story that really does lead to CHANGES. Harry's relationship with Susan, with Murphy, with Molly, and especially with the Winter Court and his 'godmother' all evolve as he adjusts his priorities toward saving his daughter. A father should do what he needs to do to save his daughter, especially from a band of vampires who intend to use her in a blood sacrifice, but Harry crosses lines he's never crossed before.

The Dresden Files series has always been a bit dark. Survival means making compromises, acknowledging that evil cannot be defeated, recognizing that ancient gods have far more power than any mortal and that confronting them is an act of simultaneous folly and hubris. CHANGES escalates this darkness. This isn't a light story. Harry becomes less likable even as he fights to save his daughter. The resolution to the battle with the Red Court is particularly painful.

A frequent problem with long-running series is that the story doesn't really move forward, that a reader could have skipped a volume without really missing much. That certainly is not the case for CHANGES. Harry and everyone around him is changed. I doubt that Molly will ever again be the light and fun person she was. as for Harry...well, that would be a spoiler but certainly he's put himself in a position where his life can never be the same. Fans of the series will want to read this one, even if it leaves them, like me, feeling more than a bit uncomfortable. Then again, easy answers so often are not answers at all.

Changes (Dresden Files, Book 12) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780451463173
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Changes (Dresden Files, Book 12) Overview

The new novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Dresden Files series.

Long ago, Susan Rodriguez was Harry Dresden's lover-until she was attacked by his enemies, leaving her torn between her own humanity and the bloodlust of the vampiric Red Court. Susan then disappeared to South America, where she could fight both her savage gift and those who cursed her with it.

Now Arianna Ortega, Duchess of the Red Court, has discovered a secret Susan has long kept, and she plans to use it-against Harry. To prevail this time, he may have no choice but to embrace the raging fury of his own untapped dark power. Because Harry's not fighting to save the world...

He's fighting to save his child.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dora's Book of Manners (Dora the Explorer)

Dora's Book of Manners (Dora the Explorer) Review

I was thinking this book would be a few more pages thicker but it wasnt. The story is really cute and does help teach manners to your child.

It can easily be read in 5 minutes so its great right before bed. It is your typical Dora story where they need to get somewhere and they use Map to find the path.

Along the way Dora, Boots and the Grumpy troll find some instances where good manners will help them succeed.

Overall a great story to read to your child before bed.

Thank you for reading my review.

Dora's Book of Manners (Dora the Explorer) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780689865336
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Dora's Book of Manners (Dora the Explorer) Overview

The Grumpy Old Troll was mean to his friend Mouse -- and now he needs help from Dora and Boots for Mouse to forgive him. But what should he say? Join Dora and Boots as they help the Troll, and learn about manners along the way!

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Within My Heart (Timber Ridge Reflections, Book 3)

Within My Heart (Timber Ridge Reflections, Book 3) Review

Within My Heart (Timber Ridge Reflections, Book 3) Overview

Widow Rachel Boyd struggles to keep her ranch afloat and provide for her two young sons, though some days it feels as though her efforts are sabotaged at every turn. When her cattle come down with disease and her sons' lives are endangered, she must turn to Rand Brookston, Timber Ridge's physician and reluctant veterinarian. While Rachel appreciates his help, she squelches any feelings she might have for Rand--her own father was a doctor and his patients always took priority over his family. Rachel refuses to repeat the mistakes her mother made. But when she's courted by a wealthy client of the local resort, she faces a choice: self-sufficiency and security or the risk inherent in the deepest of loves.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 09, 2010 23:05:16

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At Grave's End (Night Huntress, Book 3)

At Grave's End (Night Huntress, Book 3) Review

This book is actually more of a 3 1/2 star.

While reading my review, keep in mind that I did enjoy the book. I plan to continue reading the series and get the fourth book, but if my problem with this book consumes the next book I think this series and I will have to break up.

I loved a lot of the side characters in this one. Mencheres continues to be intriguing, although at times I just wanted to smack him and tell him to man up. Spade and Annette are back for more page time too. Who really caught my attention in this book was Vlad. He cracked me up. I loved watching the tension between him and Bones. Also, his power was pretty cool. He and Cat have a very powerful scene when Cat is at her lowest. I loved the glimpse we got into his motives and his secret pain.

The plot in this one is pretty simple. There aren't a lot of complicated subplots or hidden motives. That's okay, sometimes simple can be a good thing. Bones and Cat are still together and in love. They actually have some surprising news which Bones takes enormous delight in informing her mother of. The action was fun and I enjoyed the ending. I guess when you get as old as Mencheres you have some pretty wicked powers.

Now, on to my rant:


What is wrong with Cat? Why is she still friends with that little jerk, Tate? Argh! I hate how she refuses to give up friendships/relationships that do nothing but drag her down. If she's supposed to be this kick butt girl why is she letting herself get walked all over by people that are supposed to care about her?

In the first book she let her mom ruin her relationship with Bones and made herself miserable. In the second book she let her mom spew her filthy opinion all over Bones. Why? Why would she still have a relationship with her mom if her mom doesn't add anything to her life? In this book she's resigned to their relationship, but she's still irritating! She's also extremely hypocritical. It's not okay for her daughter to share air space with a vampire, but it's okay for her to sleep with a ghoul? Where does she get off?

Also, why did no one ever confront her on her false rape charges? They acted like she didn't actually do anything wrong because Cat's dad turned out to be a bad guy. That still doesn't excuse her making a false rape charge and using that lie as a club to beat her daughter into the prejudicial mold she cast. Why did no one call her on it? It made me so mad!

I was so excited when I thought Tate might be a bad guy. I did a happy dance when I thought I might be rid of him. I was so bummed when it turned out that he was innocent. Why can't he just go away? He's such a skeeze! He took waaay too much enjoyment out of touching Cat when they were only playing a role. He knew Cat wouldn't let him touch her like that if she wasn't forced to by circumstances, but he is such a pathetic stalker that he didn't care. He groped her and enjoyed it while she sat their trying to figure out how to get out of the situation. I was so uncomfortable with the whole thing. I was really glad when Bones told her he understood why she did it, but it would never happen again.

As much as I hate Tate, it's really Cat's fault that the situation has developed like it has. She should have ended their friendship right when she realized that he had no intention of respecting her relationship with Bones. He tells her he loves her and he's better for her than Bones and tries to touch her all in front of Bones! Bones holds back because Cat would freak out if he didn't, but he should only have to take so much! He was ready to throw away a couple hundred years worth of friendship with Annabelle over her just trying to put doubt in Cat's mind. Why isn't she as committed as he is? You don't subject your husband to your obsessed friend's lustful disrespect. How hard of a concept is that?

Cat said she was realized her priorities and was going to put Bones first. She plans to quit her job, and I pray that means no more Tate.

One more thing that was really well done was Cat's reaction to Bones' disappearance. I hated Tate for trying to mack on her, but I loved her for her reaction to it. I felt her agony while he was gone. When he came back and she didn't want to wake up because she didn't want him to be sad.

At Grave's End (Night Huntress, Book 3) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780061583070
  • Condition: New
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At Grave's End (Night Huntress, Book 3) Overview

Some things won't stay buried . . . at grave's end

It should be the best time of half-vampire Cat Crawfield's life. With her undead lover Bones at her side, she's successfully protected mortals from the rogue undead. But though Cat's worn disguise after disguise to keep her true identity a secret from the brazen bloodsuckers, her cover's finally been blown, placing her in terrible danger.

As if that wasn't enough, a woman from Bones's past is determined to bury him once and for all. Caught in the crosshairs of a vengeful vamp, yet determined to help Bones stop a lethal magic from being unleashed, Cat's about to learn the true meaning of bad blood. And the tricks she's learned as a special agent won't help her. She will need to fully embrace her vampire instincts in order to save herself—and Bones—from a fate worse than the grave.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 09, 2010 04:05:10

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Daring Book for Girls

The Daring Book for Girls Review

My daughter saw this in the bookstore, and stated that she "reeeeaaaallllly" wanted it. She's a voracious reader, and just turned 8, so I kind of thought it would perfect. And it is! She reads it all the time, and refers to it just as much. She's learning, but in a fun way that she controls. All the stuff inside is pretty neat, and she frequently tells me things I don't know, all courtesy of the book. Her birthday was actually just a week ago, and this is so far and beyond her favorite possession, I actually had a cake decorator make her a cake that looked like the book, but instead of "The Daring Book for Girls", it said, "The Daring Cake for Gracie". She loved it!

The Daring Book for Girls Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780061472572
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Daring Book for Girls Overview

The Daring Book for Girls is the manual for everything that girls need to know—and that doesn't mean sewing buttonholes! Whether it's female heroes in history, secret note-passing skills, science projects, friendship bracelets, double dutch, cats cradle, the perfect cartwheel or the eternal mystery of what boys are thinking, this book has it all. But it's not just a guide to giggling at sleepovers—although that's included, of course! Whether readers consider themselves tomboys, girly-girls, or a little bit of both, this book is every girl's invitation to adventure.

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